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What are the best shoes for metatarsal pain -- leather from casual to dressy for men?

Thank you for contacting IPFH. We do not endorse products or make specific recommendations. That would best be done by your physician or a foot health professional. We can, however, suggest some general characteristics of shoes that would be good for helping to manage metatarsal pain. The most important attribute is a toe box that is sufficiently large for your forefeet. It should be wide enough so that your toes and metatarsal bones are not compressed together from the sides. It should also be tall enough so as not to put pressure on your toes and forefeet from above. The other important attribute is cushioning under the metatarsals, which may have to come from a custom or off-the-shelf insert or orthotic, since the inserts that come with many new shoes are not sufficiently cushioned to provide extra protection in this area. Lastly, padded socks can help provide protection from pressure on the underside of the forefeet. If you use a custom or off-the-shelf orthotic, and/or padded socks, make sure that the toe box is sufficiently high to accommodate the extra cushioning, and we suggest using the integrated approach to get a proper fit with all of these components. Some shoes have extra depth to accommodate inserts and orthotics, and you may want to consider choosing these. Again, your physician or a foot health professional is a good source of advice. You can also learn more about metatarsalgia by visiting our page on this condition. We hope you will find just the right shoes to help you manage your condition.

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