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What kind of shoes do you recommend for plantar fasciitis and heel spurs and lower back pain?

Thank you for contacting IPFH. We cannot diagnose or make recommendations on line. If you haven’t done so already, we suggest that you start with a consultation with your physician (who may refer you to a foot health professional). A medical professional can help determine if you have plantar fasciitis or heel spurs, or possibly both (the two conditions are closely related, but are not exactly the same thing, and it is possible to have both simultaneously). He or she can also help determine the cause of the back pain, and whether or not it is related to your heel condition. Because not all feet are alike, and your gait is a unique physical characteristic, it is important that you have someone to give you a “hands-on” assessment.

Treatment of plantar fasciitis typically consists of very conservative treatment initially, which may involve the use of inserts or custom orthotics in your shoes, different types of shoes than what you’re accustomed to wearing, stretching exercises, and reductions in your level of physical activity and/or time spent on your feet. More aggressive treatments (such as anti-inflammatory medication, the use of walking boots or other special footwear that takes pressure off the plantar fascia) may be used if the first treatments are not successful. While we do not recommend specific brands of shoes, the best are those that have a sole that is firm and not too pliable, but also not too hard, offer good arch support, and have a slightly raised heel which helps reduce stress on the plantar fascia. Running or athletic shoes are often recommended because they offer most of these characteristics. IPFH also recommends using an integrated approach to selecting padded socks, inserts as required, and footwear that fit properly.

We hope these suggestions are helpful, and we hope you will consult a medical professional and will soon be getting some relief from your heel and back pain.

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