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I have a blister on my toe. The blister area seems to be getting larger. No pain. Would it be helpful to soak it in warm water?

Thank you for contacting IPFH. We do not provide recommendations or diagnoses on line. You can learn more about this condition by visiting our page on toe blisters. We are aware that some people use a warm water soak to help with blisters, but we are not aware of any clinical research that supports the benefits of this practice.

The best remedy is to determine the cause of the blistering and eliminate it. One primary cause of blisters is improperly fitted footwear. You can check our page on the integrated approach to selecting padded socks and shoes that fit to learn more about getting a proper fit. Once a blister has formed it is important to treat it promptly and carefully. For most people the best course of action is simply to protect the area with padded socks, bandages or special blister protection devices such as moleskin, and leave the blister alone to heal on its own. HOWEVER, if you have diabetes or any other conditions that can cause restricted blood flow to the feet, or if the blister has persisted for more than a few days, you should consult your primary care physician or a foot health professional at your earliest opportunity. He or she can provide appropriate treatment and help you take steps to eliminate the cause of the blistering. We hope this information is helpful, and that your blister will soon be a thing of the past.

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