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While I am sleeping, I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night with severe toe pain in 2 middle toes on right foot. What may cause this to happen? It doesn't happen every night; maybe twice to three times a week. Very painful for about 5-10 minutes.

Thank you for contacting us. IPFH does not diagnose or provide treatment recommendations on line. The pain you describe is not normal. Many people think a minimal amount of foot pain is tolerable, and even acceptable, but pain is your body’s way of alerting you to something that is amiss. Your pain could be an indicator of any of a number of conditions. Because it is serious enough to wake you up (and therefore it is disturbing your sleep, which is necessary for your well-being), and because it seems to be recurrent, we recommend that you consult your primary care physician or a foot health professional soon. A medical professional can diagnose and help locate the source of the pain, and then provide recommended treatments to address it. We hope that you will do this soon, and that you will very quickly be free of the pain and sleeping normally once again.

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