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What may be cause of toe turning dark purple to black? Also, burning pain in small toes and outside ankle bone.

Thank you for contacting IPFH. We do not diagnose or provide treatment recommendations on line. The condition you describe seems to be serious enough that you should consult your primary care physician or a foot health professional. You do not mention an injury or any trauma to the area, and you don’t say how long the condition has been present. The symptoms you describe can be indicative of multiple conditions (including some serious systemic conditions), and the most important thing is for you to get a diagnosis. A medical professional can do this, and once a diagnosis has been made, he or she can prescribe a course of treatment. Because of the change in color and the burning pain, we would urge you to consult a medical professional at your earliest opportunity. We hope you will do this, and that you will have a resolution to this condition very soon.

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