Ask The Experts

What could cause a diabetic person's big toes to feel like they're going to explode?

Thank you for contacting IPFH. We do not diagnose or recommend treatments on line. One thing we ALWAYS recommend for people with diabetes is that you be under the care of a primary care physician and other medical professionals, including a foot health professional. A team approach to diabetes care has proven to be very effective in helping to manage the condition. People with diabetes can develop foot problems and possible nerve damage from excessively high levels of glucose in the blood (see this for more information on diabetes and the feet). Our strong recommendation is that you see a foot health professional at your earliest opportunity, if you are not already under the care of one (a podiatrist would probably be most appropriate here). Your primary care physician can give you a referral, or if you do not have a primary care physician you can search for podiatrists near you at this link: Pain in the feet can be a sign of neuropathy or nerve damage, so we urge you to consult a medical professional at once. We wish you the best, and hope you will soon have your pain under control.

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