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I am a female and I have pain in my forefoot (sole) and am wearing a man's athletic shoe. Should I give my shoe size for ordering the socks of the male or female shoe size?

Thank you for contacting IPFH. We are strong advocates for proper sizing and fitting. We would suggest, if you have not had your feet measured recently, that you go to a local shoe dealer, preferably one that has on their staff a certified pedorthist or C.Ped (see this link for an explanation of foot health professionals, including certified pedorthists) or a certified fitter, and get your feet measured for length and width. They can also assist you with selection related to men’s and women’s sizes. As you may know, there are some fairly significant differences in men’s and women’s feet, and because proper sizing is important in footwear selection, you would be best served by consulting someone who has expertise in this area. A podiatrist (DPM) may also be of assistance, not only with shoe size and selection, but in diagnosing and treating your forefoot pain. We hope you will consult a foot health professional and that you will be able to get exactly what you need.

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