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What is a way to help the ball of my foot from hurting all the time? It's like pins and needles and that is only part of it.

Thank you for contacting IPFH. We do not diagnose or recommend treatments on line. We would advise you to consult your primary care physician or a foot health specialist. Your symptoms could indicate several conditions that would need to be diagnosed by a medical professional. Once that diagnosis is made, then the physician can recommend appropriate treatment. You can use our foot pain self-assessment tool to get an idea of some of the conditions that might be causing your pain, but please understand that this tool is not a diagnostic device, nor is it a substitute for a visit with a doctor. Padded socks have also been shown to be effective in reducing pressure and pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis and a number of other conditions, but again, it is important for you to get your condition diagnosed. We would urge you to consult a physician as soon as possible since you describe the pain as constant and significant, and it is likely that it's affecting your lifestyle. We hope you will visit soon with a medical professional and that your pain will very quickly be gone.

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