Ask The Experts

I twisted my ankle yesterday. Iced it immediately. Very painful to walk on. But seem to be easier as am arrived. My foot somewhat swollen. What would it look like?

Thank you for contacting IPFH. We do not diagnose or recommend treatments on line. Whenever you sustain an injury of the type you describe, we recommend the cautious approach, which is to consult a medical professional. An ankle injury can involve a sprain, a strain, or a fracture, or a combination of more than one of these, and the only sure way to know is to visit your doctor or a foot health professional. He or she can examine you, and possibly would do imaging that can help in the diagnosis. Once you have a diagnosis, then the doctor can advise you on treatments. We hope you will consult a medical professional, and that you will soon be completely healed and free from any pain.

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