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The bottom of one toe is purple and very painful. X-rays clear. It appeared over a period of weeks.

Thank you for contacting IPFH. We do not diagnose or recommend treatments on line. The good news is that X-ray imaging showed no fracture. But the bad news is that you are in pain. This certainly isn’t desirable, especially if it is impacting your work or your activities. Therefore, we would recommend that you consult a medical professional. Since you note that you have had an X-ray, we would assume that you have already done that. We would suggest that you take the additional step of getting back in touch with him or her to let them know that you are still in pain, and seek their advice for treatment. Based on the information you provided, it is something that has come up over time, and not necessarily a traumatic injury, so it’s important to determine the source of the pain and discoloration. If it is not possible or practical to see the physician who ordered your X-rays, we would recommend that you consult your primary care physician or a foot health professional. Under any circumstance, the color of your toe and the pain you are experiencing are not normal, and we hope you will seek medical advice and soon be pain free.

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