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I need a doctor that specializes in 'drop foot.' I live in the Phoenix, AZ area.

Thank you for contacting IPFH. We do not diagnose, recommend treatments, or provide referrals. We do, however, appreciate and encourage your desire to find a physician who specializes in drop foot. This condition often is the result of injury to the peroneal nerve, but it can have other causes as well. Among these are stroke, multiple sclerosis (MS), muscular dystrophy, herniated disk, and other conditions that affect the nerves, muscles and tendons of the legs and feet. You can learn more about this condition by visiting IPFH's foot condition page on drop foot. From your question we gather that you have received a diagnosis of drop foot from a physician. If so, we would recommend that you consult that physician and request a treatment plan or referral to a specialist. If you have not received an “official” diagnosis, we would strongly recommend that you visit a medical professional and get one. It is usually necessary to treat not only the drop foot, but also the condition that causes it (this is very important, since those conditions often can be serious). Your best bet is to start with your primary care physician, who can both help you and refer you to a specialist if necessary. If you don’t have a primary care physician, you might consult a foot health professional, who can help determine what you need to do. We hope you will follow these suggestions and that you will soon have the care you need.

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